Looking to buy a residential property
We are professional and reliable, assisting you
to find the residential property of your choice.
How Can We Assist
Looking for a home that meets your requirement?
Let us assist you.
Gather Essential Facts From Clients
We would first analyse and evaluate your individual personality and profile using our very own Buyer Fact Finding Form. Using this form, we gather necessary information such as budget, preferred location and the type of properties our clients are seeking. The key for us is to understand your motivation to better help you achieve your goal.
On top of that, we will present our preliminary advice to them pertaining to financial matters such as stamp duties, taxes and the latest government regulations which may hinder the buying process.
Combing Area
Having gathered the essential information that you provided us with, we begin to direct our efforts into sourcing for the property that our clients desire. We will comb the surroundings of their preferred district/area through various online portals, and compile together a report providing details of price trends, latest transacted prices and rental yields for each project.
We will act as a consultant for you by shortlisting what developments/units are good match for your profile. Our analysis takes into account not only the price, but tenure, land size, developer reputation and date of completion.
Once your agent has a good idea of your needs, we will prepare a viewing schedule for yourself with all the key details of the flats, with enough space for you to take notes as we go along. Don’t hesitate to ask permission of the owner if you want to take any photos for future reference.
Post viewings we will ask for your feedback on each unit to better understand what is important for you.
Negotiation & Closing
Our sales team are well trained in negotiation, and we take every transaction very seriously. Closing the deal is what we strive for, but we never compromise on our clients’ best interest. We will provide you with all our expertise in this crucial moment to ensure you can meet your goal at the right price.
Sales Process
We will walk you through all the paperwork and your duty as a buyer from the signature of the Option to Purchase and the 1% deposit, the exercise of that option to the completion providing assistance throughout the process.